Storyteller Skye : teachings from my Ojibway grandfather

2023. 7. 9. 10:57책 이야기

TD Summer Reading Club에서 추천해 준 책이다.

아무 기대 없이 빌려봤는데 생각보다 재미있다.


Have you ever wondered why Rabbit has such long ears?

Or why Raccoon is wearing a mask?

In this collection of funny and unique short stories,

young Skye enlightens us in a number of Indigenous teachings,

passed down to her from her Ojibway Grandfather.

Through her natural gift of storytelling,

Skye encourages other children to embrace the art and become storytellers, too!


한국말로 하자면 이솝우화? 같은 이야기이다.

토끼 귀가 왜 길어졌는지,

너구리의 다크써클은 왜 생겼는지 등..


재미도 있고 그림도 귀엽고 교훈도 있다.

나와 첫째 딸은 강아지 이야기를 가장 좋아했다.


It doesn't matter whether or not you think you're bigger, braver, or faster.
What really matters is that you always believe in yourself enough to try.