캐나다에는 우유의 종류가 다양하다

2024. 1. 24. 00:30캐나다 이야기

캐나다에는 우유의 종류가 다양하다.


내가 한국에 있을 때는 모든 우유가 똑같고 단지 회사만 달랐다. 그런데 캐나다에 와서 우유의 종류가 너무 많아서 장을 볼 때 힘들었던 기억이 난다.


1% milk is also known as low-fat milk, and 2% milk is known as reduced-fat milk. When you see milk labeled by percentage, it refers to the percentage of milk fat that the milk contains by weight – that means that the fat content makes up 1% or 2% of the overall volume of the milk (and not that each glass will contain 1% or 2% of fat).


Both 1% and 2% milk start off similar to skim milk: after pasteurization and homogenization, the fat is separated and skimmed off of whole milk. But with low-fat and reduced-fat milk, some of that fat is then added back into the milk until it reaches either 1% or 2% of the total volume. This amounts to 2.5 grams of fat and 1.5 grams of saturated fat per one-cup serving for 1% milk, and double that for 2% milk – about 5 grams of fat with 3 grams of saturated fat. 


Whole milk is also referred to as regular milk. It’s “whole” in the sense that it’s the least modified type of cow’s milk – none of its fat content has been stripped from the milk, and its nutritional makeup remains as it came from the cow (without being altered or fortified). The total fat content in whole milk is 3.25%, which is 8 grams of fat and 4.5 grams of saturated fat per serving.


이 외에도 초코우유, 딸기우유, 락토스프리 우유 등 다양하게 있고

종이박스에 들어있는 우유뿐만 아니고 플라스틱 백에 들어있는 우유도 있다.

이런 우유는 따로 담을 수 있는 통을 사서 이용하면 편하다.

주로 이렇게 생겼다.

아마존이나 달라라마 혹은 일반 그로서리 마트에서 구매할 수 있다.

All amounts are based on an 8-ounce serving of each milk.

What’s the Difference Between Skim Milk, 1% Milk, 2% Milk, and Whole Milk? - The Coconut Mama


What’s the Difference Between Skim Milk, 1% Milk, 2% Milk, and Whole Milk?

Whole milk, 2%, 1%, skim...what's the real difference between the different types of cow's milk? Here's everything you need know.



어른일수록 지방함량이 낮은 우유를 먹어야 하고 어린이일수록 지방함량이 높은 우유를 먹어야 한다.

처음 우유를 시작하는 1살 아기는 지방함유량이 3.25%인 우유를 먹어야 한다.


오늘은 캐나다에 있는 다양한 우유의 종류에 대해서 알아보았다.