캐나다 도시락 아이디어

2024. 9. 6. 00:01캐나다 이야기

오늘은 캐나다 도시락 아이디어에 대해서 알아보자.


Toronto Public Health에서 알려준 도시락 아이디어를 나눠보고자 한다.

Vegetables and Fruits Whole Grain Foods Protein Foods
Sliced vegetables and fruits Crackers Beans, chickpeas, lentils
Cherry tomatoes Flatbread(Roti, chapatti, naan) Roasted chickpeas
Baby carrots with dip Breads, pita, tortilla Edamame, tofu
Banana, clementine Brwon rice cakes Hummus or bean dips
Frozen Fruit Whole grain pasta Cheese cubes, paneer, cottage cheese
Unsweetened applesauce   Yogurt dips(Tzatziki, raita)
    Hard-boiled eggs
    Canned light tuna or salmon
    Leftover chicken or meat

1. Mix and Match Lunch Box

  • Lunch: Mini whole wheat pitas, cheese, edamame, baby carrots, cucumber, hummus for dipping, pear.
  • Snack: Yogurt and berries.


2. Sandwiches and Wraps

Combine sandwiches and wraps with vegetables and fruits and a snack.

  • Lunch: Tuna salad and veggie wrap, baby carrots, cucumber, cheese, strawberries, unsweetened fortified soy beverage.
  • Snack: Banana and pumpkin seeds.
Sandwich/Wrap Fillings
Whole Grain Foods Protein Foods Vegetables and Fruits Tasty Extras
Whole Wheat tortilla Seed or soy butter Banana  
Whole Wheat bread Canned light tuna, or leftover roasted chicken or meat, or hard-boiled eggs (mashed) Chopped celery, grren pepeers, tomatoes, romaine, lettuce Mayonnaise and mustard, or tzatziki
Whole Wheat bagle Cheddar cheese Cucumers, tomatoes Mustard
Whole Wheat chapatti Paneer (mashed) Shredded carrots, chopped romain lettuce, red onions Mint chutney
Whole Wheat pita Hummus Cucumbers, bell pepper, red onion, shredded lettuce, jalapeno peppers  
Whole grain corn tortilla Mashed beans and cheddar
Chopped bell pepers, tomatoes, corn, shredded cabbage Spices(Chilli, cumin),
fresh salsa, guacamole or
sour cream(optional)


3. Leftovers.

  • Lunch: Leftover pasta salad with chickpeas and vegetables, strawberries and peaches.
  • Snack: Vegetables and cheese


4. Breakfast for Lunch

Eating breakfast in the mornig helps children learn better at shcool.

  • Lunch: Yogurt, fresh or frozen fruit, whole grain cereal or granola.
  • Snack: Vegetables, hard-boiled egg, plain white milk.



How Much Food Should You Pack?

  • Ask your child. Your child's appetite is the best guide for how much food to pack.
  • Let your child decide how much to eat. Encourage them to take their time to eat and to listen to their feelings of hunger and fullness.
  • Your child may eat a lot on some days and very little on others; this is normal.
  • Ask your child to bring home leftovers instead of throwing them out at school so you can see what and how much is eaten.

더 자세한 내용은 홈페이지를 통해서 알아보자.

Canada's Food Guide


Canada's Food Guide

Honey grilled salmon and asparagus



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주말에 아이들과 같이 일주일치 식단표도 만들어보고

마트에서 장을 보면서 아이디어를 얻는 것도 좋은 방법이다. 


오늘은 캐나다 도시락 아이디어에 대해서 알아보았다.

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